On November 4, 2016 Runoko Rashidi begins his new Friday evening classes. The theme is Museum Artifacts and African Communities. You could also call it Friday evenings with Runoko Rashidi. Because that is what it amounts to–Friday evening cyber journey tours to the African collections in the major museums followed by visits to African communities in all of the major regions of the Motherland with none other than Runoko Rashidi himself–historian, writer, anthropologist and tour leader. And all of the funds collected from the class are directed towards more travel, more research and the presentation of the finding to the African world.
There will be a minimum of twelve individual sessions, each lasting about two to 2.5. hours. The classes are spread out over a period of months. The live sessions begin on Friday evenings at 9:00 PM United States Eastern Standard times. If you cannot participate live you are free to review the course instruction, the questions and answers and Runoko’s best, original photographs.
During the intervals between the actual classes supplemental information is posted to the page. It is a not to be missed opportunity to have a direct one on one interaction with Runoko and also to help facilitate the ongoing research that he is doing. It is a unique opportunity both to learn and to say thank you; to absorb the richness of African history and culture while at the same time giving back. You need no special equipment. You simply need log onto the special Facebook page and follow along. And the course tuition is only $50.00 per household for the entire course. Just pay through Paypal to Acknowledgement of payment will be made immediately.
The class assignment is to compile a book for children on The History of Africa: People and Civilizations. What could be better? What could be more worthy?
The individual sessions are as follows:
A Cyber Journey through the African Collections in the British Museum
A Cyber Journey through the African Collections in the Museums of Germany
Why the Importance of African History?
A Cyber Journey through the African Collections in the Museums of the United States
A Cyber Journey through the African Collections in the Museums of Mexico
A Cyber Journey through the Nile Valley
A Cyber Journey through the Horn of Africa
A Cyber Journey through Southern Africa
A Cyber Journey through East Africa
A Cyber Journey through Central Africa
A Cyber Journey through West Africa
A Cyber Journey through North Africa
So if you are excited by learning. If you are exciting by learning through the intervention of one of our great master teachers you are invited to join us on Friday evenings beginning November 4, 2016 at 9:00 PM US EST.
Don’t miss it!
Thank you for sharing you sea of knowledge!
Thank you for sharing your sea of knowledge!
“The class assignment is to compile a book for children on The History of Africa: People and Civilizations.” Who’s assignment is this, the class participates or Baba Runoko?
Dell, the class participants have the option to work with Baba Runoko on the class assignment. The information shared over the 12 week course is used as a basis for the project, with additional research, writing, and editing by the students, and Baba Runoko as the Senior Editor. Participation in the assignment is not mandatory, it is strictly on a volunteer basis. Thank you for your interest.
I am interested in the course.
@ Ibrahim, as detailed in the post, follow the instructions below. Once payment is received, Dr. Runoko will include you in the group via Facebook. Thank you!
“You need no special equipment. You simply need log onto the special Facebook page and follow along. And the course tuition is only $50.00 per household for the entire course. Just pay through Paypal to Acknowledgement of payment will be made immediately.”
Hi, can the payment be sent thru the PayPal link on the page?
@ Joia, yes you can pay using the PayPal link on the website’s home page. Add a note with your payment with the title of the course so you can be added to the Facebook group. Thank you!
Hi,i just made the payment for *ARTIFACTS AND COMMUNITIES*class.
I didn t add the note on the payment.
How do I access to the class?
Thank you
Francesca (Thy3)
@ Francesca- I forwarded your message to Dr. Runoko. Once he adds you to the Facebook group for the class, you will get a notification through Facebook that you have been invited to the class. Click on that notification to get to the page, then save the group under “Favorites” to access the class much easier. Thank you!
The artifacts and community class on Fb, is it to lat to join or will there be another to start later?
@ Ameda, it is not too late to join the Facebook class. Runoko Rashidi is currently leading a group on his tour of Cuba, but will be returning on December 12th, so the next scheduled class will be on December 16th. Once you have sent your tuition through PayPal (see logo on class post), you will be sent the link to the Facebook Group where the classes occur. The notes from the previous classes are located in the “Files” section of the page, so you will have time to catch up on the previous information shared. Looking forward to having you join our group!
When does the 2017 course start? I want to take the next class.
@ sisterdeie–The current course will continue through the end of January 2017. Runoko Rashidi has not yet scheduled the date for the next course. You are welcome to check back here in mid-late February for a more definite update. Thank you for your inquiry.
Hi Althea,
I see from your Dec. 9th post that the next class will be today, Dec. 16th.
My payment was made several weeks ago. Will I receive a link to the FB group in time for the class and/or be able to start reviewing previous classes?
Your assistance is appreciated.
Greetings Johnetta. I emailed the link to the Facebook group “Fundamentals Of African History With Runoko Rashidi”, which is the location of our weekly class. Follow the instructions provided in the email. Thank you!
Dr. Rashidi it’s great to see the Facebook courses are still active and energrtic!