Museums in the United States with Collections of African Art
Source: Smithsonian Libraries
Museums are listed alphabetically, by state
A || B || C || D || E || F || G || H || I || J || K || L || M || N || O || P || Q || R || S || T || U || V || W, X, Y and Z
Key ** = major collections
- Birmingham
- Birmingham Museum of Art
- Sedona
- Sedona Arts Center
- Berkeley
- Phoebe A. Hearst (formerly Robert H. Lowie) Museum of Anthropology, University of California **
- Los Angeles
- Los Angeles County Museum
- Fowler Museum of Cultural History, UCLA **
- San Diego
- San Diego Museum of Art
- San Francisco
- Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
- Santa Ana
- Bowers Museum
- Denver
- Denver Art Museum
- New Haven
- Yale University Art Gallery
District of Columbia
- Washington, DC
- Howard University Museum
- National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution **
- Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution
- Gainesville
- Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art **
- Honolulu
- Honolulu Academy of Arts
- Chicago
- Art Institute of Chicago **
- David and Alfred Smart Museum, University of Chicago
- DuSable Museum of African-American History
- Field Museum of Natural History **
- May Weber Museum of Cultural Arts
- Urbana-Champaign
- Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Spurlock Museum of World Cultures, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Bloomington
- Indiana University Art Museum **
- Indianapolis
- Herron Gallery at the Herron School of Art
- Indianapolis Museum of Art **
- Iowa City
- University of Iowa Museum of Art **
- North Newton
- Kauffman Museum
- Lexington
- University of Kentucky Art Museum
- New Orleans
- Amistad Research Center, Tulane University
- Southern University at New Orleans
- New Orleans Museum of Art **
- Baltimore
- Baltimore Museum of Art **
- College Park
- University of Maryland Art Gallery
- Boston
- Museum of Fine Arts**
- Cambridge
- Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology **
- Salem
- Peabody Museum of Salem
- Ann Arbor
- University of Michigan Museum of Art
- Detroit
- Detroit Institute of Art **
- East Lansing
- Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University
- Minneapolis
- Minneapolis Institute of Arts
- St. Paul
- Minnesota Museum of Art
- Kansas City
- Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art **
- St. Louis
- St. Louis Art Museum
New Hampshire
- Hanover
- Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College **
New Jersey
- Montclair
- Montclair State College
- Newark
- Newark Museum**
- Princeton
- Princeton University Art Museum
- Tenafly
- Society of African Missions
New Mexico
- Sante Fe
- Museum of International Folk Art
New York
- Brooklyn
- Brooklyn Museum **
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Society of Science **
- New York City
- American Museum of Natural History **
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Michael C. Rockefeller Wing
- **
Schomberg Center for Research in Black Culture
- Queens
- Queens Museum
- Syracuse
- Syracuse University School of Art
North Carolina
- Charlotte
- Mint Museum
- Raleigh
- North Carolina Museum of Art
- Cincinnati
- Cincinnati Art Museum
- Cleveland
- Cleveland Museum of Art**
Cleveland Museum of Natural HistoryCleveland State University, Afro-American Cultural Center
- Dayton
- Dayton Art Institute
- Toledo
- Toledo Museum of Art
- Oklahoma City
- Kirkpatrick Center
- Portland
- Portland Art Museum
- Carlisle
- Dickinson College
- Lincoln University
- Merion
- Barnes Foundation
- Philadelphia
- University of Pennsylvania, University Museum **
- Pittsburgh
- Carnegie Institute, Department of Fine Arts
Rhode Island
South Carolina
- Memphis
- University of Memphis Art Museum
- Nashville
- Fisk University Galleries
- Dallas
- Dallas Museum of Fine Arts **
- Fort Worth
- Kimbell Art Museum
- Lubbock
- Texas Tech University Museum
- Houston
- Menil Collection**
- Charlottesville
- University of Virginia
- Fairfax
- George Mason University
- Hampton
- Hampton University Museum**
- Richmond
- Virginia Museum of Fine Arts **
- Seattle
- Seattle Art Museum **
- Milwaukee
- Milwaukee Public Museum
last updated 12/7/2007
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