Great African Heroes and Sheroes With Runoko Rashidi

Great African Heroes and Sheroes is a new online five week Facebook course with Runoko Rashidi. The course begins April 7 and ends Friday May 5. The class always meets on Friday evenings from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm US Eastern Standard Time. If you cannot participate live you can always review the class instruction, the text, the notes, video clips and photos at your leisure. One of the highlights of the course will be the use of Dr. Rashidi’s original photos–many of them utilized for the first time online.

The cost for the entire course is only $40.00 per household and all of the proceeds are used to help fund Dr. Rashidi’s ongoing museum researches.

In this course we will cover all sides of earth. We will look at great Black men and women from ancient Africa to Asia, Europe, Australia, the Pacific Islands and ancient and modern America. Among the many personalities that we will look at our Narmer, Imhotep, Taharqa, Lalibela, Abubakari II, Nzingha, Lumumba, Nkrumah, Malik Ambar, Pemulwuy, Dessalines, Zumbi, Harriet, Malcolm, Garvey, King, Fela, Bob Marley, Muhammad Ali, and numerous others. We will look at great Black men and great Black women.

The class project will be the compilation of a new book for children, families and beginners on great African Heroes and Sheroes. We will attempt to define and distinguish greatness from mere fame and we will examine what does it mean to be a great African hero or shero.

So join me, call it Friday nights with Runoko Rashidi. Join me and examine the great men and women in our history. And remember, as Atlantis Browder puts it, “The more you love your history, the more you love yourself.”

You don’t need any special equipment. You only need to pay your tuition and log on.

Don’t miss this once only online course taught by Runoko Rashidi!

To pay via my Go Fund Me link go to:

For info about Runoko Rashidi, his bio, his books, his group tours, his lectures go to:



  1. Good idea from Dr. Runoko Rashidi, we are always very proud of you. My project partner Panaf Bankole Ola in Nigeria confirmed to me of your response when he contacted you via email to write a foreward on a book we are jointly writing on similar topic but different perspective. We shall not relent to put our past Heroes in the right historical perspective for the incoming generations of African to learn

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