Carl Nelson Show Tribute to Runoko Rashidi, Thursday Aug 5th, 2021 From 4-7PM EST

Greetings Family!  As we all know, a great and mighty tree has fallen!   As tributes roll in from around the world for our Beloved Baba, we want to mention one in particular.

The Carl Nelson Show will host a beautiful radio tribute to Dr. Rashidi on News Talk Radio 1450 AM, tomorrow afternoon from 4-7PM EST.  Click on the link or flyer below.   Please listen in if you can, and share with your family and friends.   I will continue updating you on information as it becomes available.  Thank you!







  1. A mighty tree has truely fallen. Runoko Rashidi was a mine of information on the Black Diaspora. He had a sense of mission to seek out and document Black experience worldwide. He also had the nack to share his findings with us and give us a sense of pride in our Black heritage. I was fortunate to work with him in developing tours. He died in a country and continent he so loved. The ancesstors are welcoming him with open arms. Rest in peace our orator

    • I am Deeply sadden and happy to find out Runoko Rashidi has transcended. I have just become compelled to his work today after years of linking our amazing existence as a people. Runoko delivered such an exquisite amount of information and I plan to continue to learn from his teachings and teach many others of him and his work. Things have a divine way of working. I was watching the anime called Yasuke on Netflix which had me in deep thought about melanated beings in Japan. Not only was I led to Runoko but in an intrinsic way which has lifted my spirits to dive deeper. I refuse to continue life without feeling the void of my curiosity towards our ancient past and the ancient world which has been diluted and pasted. May we one day be able to share the same magnetization outside of the means of physical existence. Thank you for giving my soul a burning desire. May peace, love and light spread widely throughout your family and every thought pertaining to you. Thank you again. My name is Dacosta Johnson. I one day plan to return much wiser and more established to help spread the word in Cincinnati Ohio where i reside. Once again thank you!

  2. Sister, It is with great sadness to learn of the global loss of such a
    Grand Brother Runoko. Has anyone begun to hold local memorials? I am in Boston, Massachusetts, Brother Runoko and I were well acquainted
    having a nice artistic business relationship. I would like to organize a spiritual gathering here as so many loved him. If your able to share any of his home coming services or information, I would be grateful to know and share. Peace & Blessings.
    Bohemian Arts Boston

  3. It was such an honor and pleasure to travel with and get to know Brother Dr. Runoko Rashidi. His legacy is rich and strong and will continue to nourish the Africans world wide. Blessings on his journey to the Ancestral realm. Ase….

  4. This KING gave us soo much and we’ll be truly missed. I dreamed of 1 day going on 1 of his tours to Afrika with my sons. That time has now come to pass. Thank you BABA Runoko for all you sacrificed for us. Be blessed and rest with the other ancestors. It was so Divine that you passed in Egypt where other Kings are buried. You are so missed. Love!!!!

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